Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Module 4 Connectivism

Connections that facilitate learning

My network is ever evolving and changing the way in which I learn.Since embarking on the journey of attaining my masters and now an Ed.S degree I have been exposed to a wide variety of tools that I now consider an essential component to my learning experiences. Some of these include Google docs., wikispaces, blogs, and communicating with Skype. I like the flexibility of online courses, but was concerned about feeling connected to those in the classes and I must say a bit apprehensive when first tackling an online learning community in which each member was logged on and sharing. I feel that the collaboration is real and meaningful. It is also something that I never would have considered had it not been for my continued course work.

I seem to have a lot of questions and I will usually bounce ideas off of my colleagues, for I know that I will get an honest response. I value the opinions of my family also and depending on the nature of my question I will use them as a resource also. If questions are posed that require further research, as in an educational env
ironment, I will use Google or or simply tye in a few key words and access the internet for answers. With technology virtually at my fingertips all the time, with cell phones, laptops, etc. finding answers to most questions can be accessed and answered with the push of a few keys.


  1. Jane,

    When I first started pursuing this degree, I was also apprehensive about making connections in an online course. I have found that my concerns are universal. Additionally, I love the flexibility of online courses. I am able to complete assignments are practically anytime. Additionally, I don't have the added pressure of being put on the spot in a classroom that I would if I were an on-campus student.

  2. Angela

    I also don't miss the commute to a college. It always seeemed like such a waste of time. Now I can work on assignments instead of travel to and fro. Additionally, as I have become more confident in using technology I am more willing to let my students dive in.


  3. Jane,

    Much like yourself, as an online student that obtained my Master's also, and now the EdS, I have been exposed to a lot of tools that I now feel are essential in facilitating my learning. For example, the collaborating with other teachers across the nation is wonderful; it unites us and allows us to discuss problems and concerns that we all as educators face, not to mention discussing things that we are learning in class at the time. I now love blogs and wikis. You made an excellent point!

