Wednesday, March 17, 2010

EDUC 7105
Module 1
Metaphors of Educators

Siemens presents the changing role of the educator as the learning environment evolves into a digital wonderland, rich with technology but all too often leaving the students starving for knowledge. As participative tools grow in popularity, the autonomy of the learners and their control over access to information continues to increase (Siemens, 2008).

The metaphor that best describes the role an instructor should take in the classroom is that of educator as concierge. As presented by Bonk, the educator as a concierge directs the learners to resources of learning opportunities that they may not be aware of (Siemens, 2008). Students need to be guided through the process, especially in the elementary and middle school years as this is a new skill that can become overwhelming to many. An educator must be attune to the distinct needs of the students and provide guidance along the way. This guidance can be in the form of lectures, self exploration and collaboration. Because information is needed almost instantaneously at times, the role of the educator is to guide the students in exploring all the learning possibilities that are available because of the advancements in technology. Even though technology is advancing at break neck speed, the role of the educator will not be replaced, modified to incorporate the new, but not replaced.


Siemens, G. (2008, January 27). Learning and knowing in networks: Changing roles for educators and designers. Paper presented to ITFORUM. Retrieved from


  1. Jane you've done an excellent job describing the role of the instructor/teacher, as one who serves as a guide for the students. This is very important in the learning process. Some of the best learning experiences I've had came through exploration after I was pointed in the right direction by my teacher.


  2. I truly agree with you about the role of the teacher being the concierge. I see myself as a guide to my students becuase of what I teach. Our students need to be directed and focused on what is being learned. The important idea here is to distinguish what directed method will best benefit the students. Each instant is different and is based on what is being taught. As teachers we cannot be afraid to embark on different teaching methods because our students are important.

  3. Jane,
    I am glad you chose the topic you did for this blog. I was not very sure about this topic and you helped me understand it better. I really enjoyed reading your response to this topic. After reading your blog, I have to agree with your information. Een though I teach high school, the students need me there to guide them much of the time. Some students may need more guidance than others, but all students need some kind of guidance. Sometimes, they even need help with the technology. You did a very good job.
    Sharon McDaniel

  4. Jane,

    I could not agree with you more! The instructor should act as a leader, a guide, guiding his or her students in the learning process. Allowing the students to own part of their learning is extremely beneficial for them.

    Great job!
